Tea Tree Oil and Its Uses
You’ve likely already heard of essential oils, and one of the most popular essential oils you can purchase and use is tea tree oils. This oil brings a wide variety of benefits for everyone, and…

You’ve likely already heard of essential oils, and one of the most popular essential oils you can purchase and use is tea tree oils. This oil brings a wide variety of benefits for everyone, and you can use it for a range of purposes, including keeping your skin, hair, and nails healthy.
But aside from these benefits, tea tree oils can be useful for a range of needs, and to understand what these needs are and why it is so popular, we need to look a little deeper.
What is Tea Tree Oil?

Tea tree oil comes from steaming the leaves of the Australian tea tree. It is also known as melaleuca oil, and it is an essential oil that you may find in aromatherapy and essential oil diffusion, among a variety of other purposes.
It is believed to boast antibacterial properties, mainly when used topically. Aside from providing healthy nails and hair, especially for nail fungus and lice, it has also proven useful for treating acne, athlete’s foot, and incest bites.
Tea tree oil provides a range of benefits and is packed with compounds and properties that make it suitable for a variety of conditions and issues, as well as everyday needs. One of the key selling points of tea tree oil is that it is natural and therefore makes an excellent (and often cheaper) alternative to commercial products, including mouthwash and household cleaning products.
You will likely find it in a plethora of over-the-counter cosmetic and beauty products, including shampoos, moisturiser, and lotions.
The Benefits of Tea Tree Oil
From hand sanitising to relieving psoriasis, there is a wide variety of benefits for tea tree oil, making it a versatile essential oil that can suit and assist anyone, regardless of which conditions they are suffering from.
Hand Sanitiser
Tea tree oil works as a fantastic hand sanitiser due to its ability to fight and kill a variety of bacteria that can be present on the skin. These bacteria, or even viruses, can include E.coli, pneumonia, or the flu.
Washing your hands is essential, especially when working with the elderly or young children as their immune systems are not as robust as others, so using sanitiser with tea tree oil will help increase protection and minimise the spread of germs.
Similarly, hand soap with tree oil can also help to protect against E.coli, so it’s something to consider even if you don’t use hand sanitiser often.
Insect Repellent

Insect bites are, at the very least irritating, but they can also carry more severe diseases, including malaria and dengue fever.
Tea tree oil could help to protect you from such diseases and keep the insects away. Studies have shown tea trees are capable of killing, or at least repelling insects when sprayed on the skin or diffused using an essential oil diffuser. When compared to DEET, the most common insect repellent and what can cause a rash if used too much, tea tree oil proves more effective.
Natural Deodorant
Considering the antibacterial effects of tea tree oil, it’s no surprise it can act as a natural deodorant. These antibacterial properties help control the underarm odor caused by sweat, and even though sweat is not something smells by itself, it does when it reacts with the bacteria on your skin.
With a large concentration of sweat glands in and around your armpit, tea tree oil can act as a natural solution compared to store-bought and commercial deodorant options.
Failing to clean a wound after a cut or scrape can lead to bacteria growth, which will then lead to an infection. Using tea tree oil as an antiseptic because of its powerful antibacterial performance will help to clean the wound following an injury.
You can do this by cleaning the wound with soapy water and then mixing coconut oil with a small dose of tea tree oil. After applying, repeat several times a day until a scab forms.
Increase Wound Healing
Besides working as an antiseptic, tea tree oil is also capable of accelerating the healing of wounds. It can reduce inflammation and also get the white blood cells working to repair the tissue around the affected area.
Despite a small sample size, a study demonstrated that tea tree oil could decrease healing time in 9 out of 10 participants, and by applying just a few drops of tea tree oil to bandages when redressing the wound, you could experience faster healing.
Fight Acne

While acne is most associated with teenagers, it can continue to be an issue throughout the rest of your adult life. This is why tea tree oil is present in a variety of face wash and moisturising products.
Applying tea tree gel to lesions caused by acne can decrease the presence and impact the severity of those struggling with acne issues. Not only will this help your skin look cleaner and clearer, but it can also boost body confidence, which is something that everyone can use.
Remove Nail Fungus
Nail fungal infections are not dangerous, but that doesn’t make them any more attractive or appealing. Most people may seek out medication from their GP to cope with such infections, but natural remedies, such as tea tree oil, can also be beneficial.
You can use tea tree oil by itself or combine it with other remedies to help fight such fungus. In most cases, it can reduce the fungus significantly, and some studies show that it can remove it altogether over six months.
Chemical-Free Mouthwash
Tea tree oil is effective in battling plaque and similar oral health issues, including bad breath and tooth decay. When compared to traditional store-bought mouthwash, you may even find it tastier than what you buy from the supermarket.
However, this is not a reason to chug a bottle of tea tree oil, as this is dangerous. Instead, it is best to dilute tea tree oil with water, with a single drop of tea tree oil to a cup of warm water to clean germs that can cause tooth decay and gum disease.
Cleaning Product
With its sanitising properties, tea tree oil can double as a fantastic all-purpose cleaner for a range of surfaces all around the home, school, or office. An added benefit to this is that it doesn’t leave behind a chemical residue, which could interfere with coating on furniture or even harm family members or pets.
Adding around 20 drops of tea tree oil to a 3/4 cup of water and half a cup of apple cider vinegar can create an all-natural and all-purpose cleaner. Make sure to shake well before each use to mix the ingredients effectively.
Soothe Inflammation
Inflamed skin, caused by either dermatitis, acne, or even a wound, can be treated through tea tree oil. It can help to fight allergies that can inflame the skin, and it is also useful for battling inflammation after bug bites or nettle stings.
Control Dandruff
Dead skin the scalp can lead to dandruff, which can be both irritating and embarrassing. Keeping your scalp moisturised can help solve this, and a tea tree oil formula is one way to do so.
Look for shampoos and conditioners that use tea tree oil to reduce the symptoms of dandruff, which can include itchiness and greasiness. If you cannot find a product with tea tree oil, simply add a few drops to your shampoo bottles and mix well.
Treat Athlete’s Foot
Also known as tinea pedis, an athlete’s foot is a fungal infection caused by sweat accumulating and developing in cuts and scrapes around the area. It can be challenging to control and also leads to more severe issues, especially considering it is contagious.

Much like nail fungus, tea tree oil can work alongside antifungal products to ease the condition. However, it is not a magical cure, so be sure to follow advised precautions along with your tea tree oil treatment.
Banishes Food Mold
Eating fresh produce is something everyone should strive to do more of. However, life can quickly get in the way, and this can cause you to forget about the fruit and veg waiting for you in your fridge. When forgotten, they can grow mold, which is not advisable to consume.
There are compounds within tea tree oil, namely terpinen-4-ol and 1,8-cineole, that can reduce the chance of mold growth. You can prevent mold growing too quickly by rinsing your produce with water and up to 10 drops of tea tree oil before drying.
However, do not use tea tree oil to eliminate mold that has already grown. In this instance, you should throw the products away or compost piles.
Relieve Psoriasis
If you have psoriasis, you will be pleased to discover that tea tree oil, with its anti-inflammatory compounds, can help ease symptoms. As there is no current cure for psoriasis, this can provide respite from discomfort more naturally than pain medication and other methods.
How to Use Tea Tree Oil
You can use tea tree oil in a variety of ways, including aromatherapy, essential oil diffusion, and dropper bottles. Most beauty and skincare products will use formulas with tea tree oil already infused. Depending on the type of product you purchase, such as soap or lotion, using tea tree oil should be straightforward.
In addition to products that use tea tree oil, you can also create your own, especially for products such as hand soap and moisturiser.
Other Things to Consider
While tea tree oil can be beneficial for a wide variety of issues that you may encounter daily, and even throughout your life, there are still precautions you must take when using it.
Tea tree oil can be toxic if ingested, so keep it out of reach of children. Even if you use tea tree oil as a natural mouthwash, make sure to dilute it thoroughly to prevent any problems should you accidentally swallow it. If you choose to use it as a mouthwash, make sure only to use a minimal amount to minimise the risk.
Some people may find they are allergic to tea tree oil, and it could irritate the skin. Make sure to apply small drops to your skin at least 24-hours before using tea tree oil to ease inflammation or acne to see if you suffer a reaction.
Sensitive Skin
Tea tree oil can also be a problem for those with sensitive skin, especially if it is not diluted thoroughly. If you experience sensitive skin and use tea tree oil, you should always mix it with a higher proportion of coconut, almond, or olive oil to prevent rashes or further reactions.
While some people have used tea tree oil on pets, mainly to ease wounds or soothe inflammation, you should do so with caution. Dogs and cats can develop tremors and additional issues with the nervous system when tea tree oil has been applied to the skin or orally.
If you are at all concerned about the potential hazards of using tea tree oil with your pets, it is best to avoid doing so altogether and instead focus on specialised pet medicine to prevent any severe issues.v
As with anything, it is always best to use tea tree oil in moderation and never become wholly reliant on its beneficial properties. There is such a thing as too much, so remember this whenever you consider using tea tree oil.
Tea Tree Oil and Its Uses
From health needs to everyday home maintenance, tea tree oil has plenty of uses for the average person. If you already use tea tree essential oil for aromatherapy, there are other ways for you to make the most of having it. Tea tree oil is not a cure-all solution to these issues you might experience, but it can help with many different conditions and diseases. Tea tree oil is inexpensive, so even just one bottle should last you a long time, providing superb value that can be useful for everybody.
To ensure you use tea tree oil in reasonable amounts, be sure to check out our collection of bottle droppers for easy and clean dispensing.